Alternate Leaf Dogwood
Latin: Cornus
Family: Alternifolia
Description: can range from a 6 foot tall shrub to a 20 foot high tree. Branches are long and horizontal with smooth, upright twigs. Although they do sucker from main plant, they can be grown from the seed.
Leaf: alternating leaves have distinct veins running toward the tip.
Bark: mature bark is bright green with white streaks and newer bark is dark purple.
Bud: small and alternating.
Flower: creamy, white clusters.
Fruit: dark purple in colour.
Habitat: grows along the edges of woodlands and in the understory. Tolerates both sun and shade growing in fertile, moist, well-drained soil.
Wildlife Value: fruit is food for many birds and small mammals. The buds are eaten by ruffed grouse and ring-necked pheasant. These trees also provide cover and nesting sites for birds.



48075 Jamestown Line R.R. #2, Aylmer ON N5H 2R2