Bigtooth Aspen
Latin: Populus grandidentata
Family: Salicaceae
Description - a rounded, open crown made up of few branches. Rapid growth provides quick cover.
Leaf - egg shaped with ~10 large teeth per side. Stalk is laterally flattened and, like the trembling aspen, the leaves swing back and forth in a breeze.
Bark - smooth and green to grey, turning dark brown with deep fissures when mature.
Bud - terminal, hairy, grey, non-sticky, and non-fragrant.
Twig - hairy when young, later turning reddish brown with orange. Made of rough, cork like structures (lenticels).
Flower - downy catkins.
Fruit - downy capsules in drooping catkins. Capsules split in two releasing seeds with a plume of white hairs.
Wildlife Value - deer and rabbits eat the new shoots, songbirds eat buds and catkins, a favourite of beaver.
48075 Jamestown Line R.R. #2, Aylmer ON N5H 2R2