Bitternut Hickory
Latin: Carya cordiformis
Family: Junglandaceae
Description - broad, rounded crown.
Leaf - leaves are made up of many finely toothed smaller leaflets (compound), opposite each other on the leaf stem. 7 - 9 leaflets.
Bark - grey or light brown, shallow furrows which fork into scaly ridges.
Bud - bright yellow slightly flattened buds which appears at the end of the twig. Bud scales do not overlap.
Twig - easily identified by slender twigs.
Flower - appear before leaves, male flowers in slender drooping catkins, three hanging from one stalk, 1 - 2 female flowers at the tip.
Fruit - nearly round with 4 wings rising from the tip, the thin shell contains a nearly smooth bitter nut inside.
Habitat - moist soils of valleys, and dry upland soils.
Uses - early settlers used oil extracted from the nut for oil lamps and believed the oil was a cure for rheumatism.
48075 Jamestown Line R.R. #2, Aylmer ON N5H 2R2