Black Walnut
Latin: Juglans nigra
Family: Junglandaceae
Description - the trees are rounded with a wide open crown on a thick trunk.
Leaf - leaves are made up of many smaller, finely serrated leaves (compound), directly across from each other (pinnate). 12 - 23 leaflets.
Bark - nearly black with deep furrowed, broad intersecting ridges.
Bud - stout, dark brown, egg shaped (ovoid) and hairy.
Twig - stout, hollow with chambered pith.
Flower - appear with leaves in spring. Male flower is drooping green catkin, female flower is solitary or several on the stem.
Fruit - rough, grooved nut in smooth, rounded, green, aromatic husk.
Habitat - found in moist clay and sandy soils.
Wildlife Value - nuts are preferred food of squirrels, deer, small rodents and red-bellied woodpeckers. Foliage is food for the luna moth.
Wood - used in furniture, musical instruments, veneer, and cabinets. Wood is resistant to decay.



48075 Jamestown Line R.R. #2, Aylmer ON N5H 2R2