Appearance: The Eastern fox snake can grow over 1.7 metres in length. The Eastern fox snake usually has a shiny, rusty orange head and a golden to light brown body with dark blotches. Its belly is light yellow and black.
Habitat: The Eastern fox snake lives along shorelines, in prairies, savannahs, rock barrens and wetlands, and are most commonly found in shoreline edge habitats. Occasionally, the Eastern fox snake lives in forests and forest edge habitats.
Diet: The Eastern fox snake is a constrictor and suffocates its prey. The Eastern fox snake mainly consumes larger rodents with the coils of its body. They also eat baby birds, eggs, and frogs.
Behaviour: If disturbed, Eastern fox snakes rarely bite but will vibrate their tail. These snakes hibernate over winter in communal hibernacula and over 200 snakes have been observed using a single hibernaculum. Eastern fox snakes mate in April or May. Males wrestle one another to compete for females. In June, July, or August and the female lays between about 6 and 29 eggs.
48075 Jamestown Line R.R. #2, Aylmer ON N5H 2R2