Red Oak
Latin: Quercus rubra
Family: Fagaceae
Description - 20-30 metres high. Crown is broad and rounded and 20 metres across. One of the most rapid-growing oaks, transplants easily, and is hardy in city conditions and cold weather.
Leaf - alternate, simple leaf, 7-9 wavy lobes, notches between lobes rounded, lobe base wider than tip.
Bark - thick, grey, smooth when tree young, dark grey or blackish, rough, furrowed into scaly ridges when mature. Inner bark is reddish.
Bud - is oval, pointed, reddish and glossy, a few hairs on bud tip.
Twigs - stout, smooth, and reddish brown.
Flower - male flower is yellowish, drooping catkins, female flower is tiny and red.
Fruit - short stalked, egg shaped acorn enclosed by a reddish brown broad cup. Cap on acorn has tightly overlapping scales. Matures in 2 years.
Habitat - tolerates various soil types and moisture conditions.
Wildlife Value - acorns are feed for wild turkey, black bear, raccoon. Snowshoe hare, whitetail deer browse on foliage. Inner bark is eaten by porcupines.
Wood - used for flooring, furniture, railroad ties, fenceposts, pilings and pulpwood.
48075 Jamestown Line R.R. #2, Aylmer ON N5H 2R2