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Smallmouth salamander

Latin: Ambystoma texanum

Family: Ambystomatidae

Appearance: Smallmouth salamanders range from being dark brown to black on top with grey to greyish yellow patches. The salamander's belly is black. This species can grow to over 15 centimeters in length with an average length of 4.3-7 cm.

Habitat: The smallmouth salamander typically lives in forested bottomlands, wetlands, deciduous forests and floodplains. However, they can also inhabit open areas such as prairies and farm fields. Smallmouth salamanders require shallow bodies of water that do not contain fish in order to reproduce.

Diet: Smallmouth salamanders are terrestrial carnivores and eat a variety of invertebrates and earthworms.

Behaviour: Salamanders are typically more active during cool times of the day and are nocturnal. During the day, they lounge under rocks or in trees to stay cool. At night, salamanders come out to eat. Their bright, colorful skin warns predators to stay away. When threatened, the smallmouth salamander will raise and wave its tail in order to distract a predator toward the tail rather than the rest of the animal.


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