Sugar Maple
Latin: Acer saccharum
Family: Aceraceae
Description - grows to 18 - 30 m with a spread of 20 x 20 m. Produces a symmetrical oval crown in open areas and a round, broad, shallow crown in forests. Trees are tapped for the sap which is made into maple syrup.
Leaf - opposite, simple, highly variable on the same tree. End lobe almost square, rounded notches separate, 5 main lobes on each leaf.
Bark - dark grey and divided into long, vertical, firm, irregular strips which curl outward along one side.
Bud - reddish brown, oval, and pointed with numerous scales.
Twig - reddish brown, shiny, and hairless.
Flower - small without petals, hanging on long, slender stalks in tassel like clusters. Trees can be male, female, or have flowers of both sexes.
Fruit - produced in pairs, green fruit which ripens to brown, wings almost parallel or diverge slightly. The spreading wing is shorter than the fruit stalk with a plump seed case.
Habitat - grows in well drained loam and sandy soil and is shade tolerant.
Wildlife Value - seeds are eaten by birds and small mammals and leaves and twigs are grazed by deer, rabbits and squirrels.
Wood - used in furniture, flooring, veneers, cabinets, for musical instruments, and as fuel.



48075 Jamestown Line R.R. #2, Aylmer ON N5H 2R2